Property & Casualty

Why Alford & Associates for Property & Casualty Coverage?

  • We understand how underwriting works
  • Cutting out middle men = savings
  • Unique cradle to grave opportunities
  • Customized Risk Management
  • We help you mitigate your risk better, lowering your costs
  • Risk Management / Customized Mitigation

We get inside the mind of an underwriter.

To accomplish what we want, we must first understand how the underwriters think and calculate your premiums. Two factors are weight on every risk. It is a combination of Exposure (your industry’s average exposure) and Experience (your company’s individual history of loss runs).

We follow your program from cradle to grave:


First, we gather all the information from you to deliver to the insurance producer.

We will shop this program and continue to see every aspect through even going directly to London to meet with different carriers to further explain the risk in detail changing the weighted risk to the model that suits your company best.


We follow the risk through the 4 floors of Lloyd’s gallery to make sure we get the pricing needed all the way through the insurance policy being bound.

Contact us today to start creating a custom designed package for your business.

Custom-Designed Risk Management Packages

  • We have staff with experience and risk managers that allow our team to build you a plan to fit your custom needs.


  • Risk mitigation through the use of self insurance retention programs and risk management are key components on selling your story and reducing your overall premiums.